ecologic consulting

Abengoa Bioenergy signs project with US Department of Energy

The U.S. Department of Energy and Abengoa Bioenergy New Technologies have signed a 4-year, $35.5 million (U.S.) contract in 2003 to develop the technology for Advanced Biorefining of Distillers Grain and Corn Stover Blends: Pre-Commercialization of Biomass-derived Process Technologies. Abengoa Bioenergy New Technologies, in collaboration with Novozymes North America, Inc., the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Stake Technology, will lead the research team to develop novel biomass-derived process technology that utilizes advanced bio-refined Distiller's Grain and Corn Stover blends to achieve significantly higher ethanol yields while maintaining the protein feed value. This technology will enable a more economical, sustainable industry, reduce fossil fuel consumption per gallon of ethanol produced, and increase the availability of ethanol.

In short, the project will create a successful system of utilizing the entire plant, grain plus biomass, for the production of valuable ethanol. It will also demonstrate at bench- and pilot-scale viable processes for Distiller's Grain and Corn Stover to convert residual starch, cellulose and hemicellulose to ethanol and high-protein feed. Bench-scale and small pilot-scale process analysis will undergo Stage-Gate economic evaluation for advancement into large pilot-scale integration. The project will involve residual starch and fiber conversion and biomass conversion.


Integrated biomass utilisation demonstration plant

DONG Energy has started the construction of a demonstration plant in Denmark. The principal purpose of the demonstration plant is to show that DONG Energy’s second-generation technology can be applied on a large scale, i.e. that large-scale production of ethanol from straw is possible.

The plant will also demonstrate that integration with a power station, enabling the residual biomass to be combusted, thereby generating more energy than is used by the plant itself, results in efficient and financially viable energy utilisation.

The investment is in the range of 300 mio kr, and for the design and engineering Inbicon has received support from the Danish Energy Authority. The bioethanol plant will be integrated with a coal fired power plant,and hence it’s possible to increase the overall efficiency. The demonstration plant will have three outputs: ethanol, biofuel and animal feed.

 Unique collaboration at the port in Kalundborg
DONG Energy’s demonstration plant for production of bioethanol will be located in Asnćs Power Station’s area bordering on the dock in Kalundborg. This will enable the bioethanol plant to be part of the collaboration that involves many other companies in the port area.

The companies utilise each other’s residual products in a sustainable cycle that benefits each company financially and is also environmentally beneficial. Statoil’s oil refinery and Dansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab, DLG (Danish Cooperative Farm Supply) are situated at the port.

The refinery can receive bioethanol from the demonstration plant and blend it with petrol. DLG and other agricultural enterprises can supply the bioethanol plant with straw and can sell the feed products from the bioethanol production.



Essent Trading executes first power deals in Hungary

Geneva, 20 August 2008 - Essent Trading executed its first power deals in Hungary with Merrill Lynch Commodities Europe Ltd. and RWE Supply and Trading GmbH. The deals for monthly power products represent a milestone for Essent Trading in achieving its ambitions to develop its energy portfolio in the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe.

Remco Frenken, Senior Vice President Structured Origination, Central Europe of Essent trading stated: "As we expand our business in Europe, one of our key focus areas, is the emerging markets of Central Europe. Hungary is a strategically important and well connected country for both power and gas. The Hungarian market is less dominated by large incumbents than most of the neighbouring markets. Essent Trading’s experience with long-term asset backed contracts and our cross commodity approach will bring competition, liquidity and transparency to the Hungarian markets and provide the market participant with a broad range of products and services to manage risk."

About Essent Trading
Essent Trading, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland is a prestigious asset-backed merchant energy trading house with its roots in the Netherlands. Essent Trading is recognized as a market leader in energy trading in Europe and has been voted as a top tier trading house by Risk Magazine since 2004. Our parent company, Essent N.V. is the largest energy company in the Netherlands with approximately 11,000 employees, more than 5500 MW of diverse generation portfolio and over 2.7 million customers across the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Essent is ranked among Europe's leading companies in renewable and sustainable energy generation.

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