ecologic consulting

about us

EcoLogic Consulting is a consultancy and project development company established in May 2008, owned and directed by Ferenc TAR Ph.D (B.Sc. agriculture, M.Sc. environmental management, doctor of environmental science)

The main profile of the firm is consultancy activities and project development in the field of renewable energy (mainly biomass based energy generation and utilisation), environmental management (primarily agri-environmental programmes and projects) furthermore rural development. In these themes 12 years practice and experience helps the succesful development and implementation of different projects both in the public and private sector.

We offer services and solutions in the following topics:
  • national, regional and local agri-environment and rural development programmes and schemes furthermore practical projects (e.g. organic farming, diversification, integration, direct marketing, etc.)
  • renewable energy projects (biomass power plants and CHPs, green heat projects, agripellet production and utilisation) 
  • consultancy in state and EU aid applications and management
  • agri-environmental trainings, information campaigns and advisory service
  • evaluation of rural developmnet programmes
  • environmental impacts assessments
© 2025 ecologic consulting - megújuló energia, környezetgazdálkodás, vidékfejlesztés